Za online magazin Evropskog novinarskog centra (European Journalism Centre) napisala sam tekst o ovoj konferenciji: Minority voices on social media networks.
Različite vrste manjina i konteksti u kojima žive, i njihovo korišćenje društvenih mreža u Poljskoj, Rusiji, Mađarskoj, Rumuniji, Srbiji za raznolike svrhe su ono čime sam se u tekstu bavila.
Za ilustraciju, evo zaključka: "the goals minorities seek to achieve via social media seem to vary greatly and can sometimes lead to unwanted results. State authorities and civil society can therefore play a crucial role in creating and maintaining an environment protective of minorities. Thousands of Facebook “likes” are not sufficient for that task."
Ostatak teksta je ovde.
/social networks, civil society, Europe, minorities/