Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My new text: Global Technology and Serbian Hedonism

My text for New Eastern Europe (Poland), deals with Internet usage in Serbia, with a focus on young people  and the ways they interact with digital technologies. There is an interesting interview, too:

It is fascinating to see how people are becoming globally similar thanks to technology. This also means that we all have an equal opportunity when it comes to international business, and we should use the internet to put together the best features of the ‘two worlds’ – Serbian hedonism and the global market – which is now easily accessible.

You can find whole text Global Technology and Serbian Hedonism here.

Photo source: SHARE conference.

Metodologija fact-checking sajtova

Jedan tekst od pre pet godina, i dalje može biti koristan, mada su se stvari svakako izmenile u međuvremenu.  FACT-CHECKING SAJTOVI -...