Objašnjava se i poreklo i funkcija alternativnih medija:
Stemming from the old family of “free radio” and other pirate broadcasting, alternative media today is often a community media, addressing a certain category of the population for example the Muslim population, senior citizens or young people. They can be distinguished from commercial media by the fact that they are not profit-making but purely social, linked with their community by the service they provide. Mrs Resetarits would like to see this recognised by the European Commission and the Member States.
Pre dve godine u Ljubljani je organizovana konferencija "Alternative Media and New Public Settings", na kojoj sam govorila o tome šta su kod nas bili alternativni mediji u protekloj deceniji (među elektronskim, štampanim i online medijima), šta u ovoj, i kakvi bi mogli biti izgledi za budućnost. (Knjiga odaranih tekstova trebalo bi da se pojavi do kraja godine).