Ovaj post ne govori o sagorevanju od vrućine, mada bi se i na tu temu moglo reći mnogo šta.
Njujork Tajms u svom tekstu od 18. jula piše o stanju u medijima:
"the state of the media business these days: frantic and fatigued. Young journalists who once dreamed of trotting the globe in pursuit of a story are instead shackled to their computers, where they try to eke out a fresh thought or be first to report even the smallest nugget of news — anything that will impress Google algorithms and draw readers their way.
Tracking how many people view articles, and then rewarding — or shaming — writers based on those results has become increasingly common in old and new media newsrooms."
Neki mediji, kao na primer Gawker, plaćaju svoje novinare delom i na osnovu toga koji su tekstovi najčitaniji. Ekran, kao na slici (iz pomenutog teksta u NYT) na svaki sat pokazuje najčitanije tekstove dana, zajedno sa prezimenom autora.
Ovakav način rada i stalne borbe za čitaoce i klikove dovodi do vrlo brze fizičke i mentalne iscrpljenosti i čestih promena u redakcijama.
Ponekad, čelni ljudi u redakcijama ipak shvate da su stvari postale prebrze i prekomplikovane za mnoge zaposlene. Evo primera:
Still, Politico management seems to be trying to soften some of its rough edges. Employees recently received an e-mail message informing them that they had been entered in a drawing to win an iPad. The catch: they would all be required to wear a name tag for a day in the spirit of fostering friendly workplace conversation.
Pitam se kakva su iskustva na ovu temu u našim redkcijama?
ja ne bih o svom iskustvu u redakciji :D
Enough said, rekla bih
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