Marina na naslovnici privukla je pažnju medija: O ovome piše njujorški Observer koji podseća na intervju koji je dala američkom Elle u martu. (Jedan od njenih performansa od pre nekoliko godina predstavljen je u epizodi Seks i grad, intervju u US Elle podseća na to: Her human diorama piece was preserved in pop culture history when she permitted it to be depicted on an episode of Sex and the City. (She says she was amused rather than offended at how the mass media “caricatures” performance art.) )
Niz blogova i portala takođe beleži da je Marina Abramović na naslovnoj strani Elle Srbija za januar 2011. Jedan od njih je iznenađen: It's not so much that they chose the renowned performance artist for the January 2011 cover (above); rather, it's the fact that there is an Elle Serbia.
Well, kao što svi znamo, život je pun iznenađenja.
/Elle Serbia January 2011 cover Marina Abramovic/