Iz izveštaja Evropske komisije o napretku Srbije. Deo o medijima. Ako se uporedi sa izveštajem za 2007. godinu, ili onim za 2008, vidljiv je napredak.
Progress can be reported in the area of audiovisual policy. In May 2009 Serbia ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television and the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. (...)
Progress can also be reported on the transparency, accountability and efficiency of the Broadcasting Agency. (...)
Overall, preparations in the area of the information society and media have continued. The relevant authorities have organised a number of awareness-raising activities, training sessions, conferences and events. However, the inadequate institutional and regulatory capacity needs to be addressed and real progress remains contingent on implementation of the legislation.
Mnogo posla na planu regulative ostaje. Uostalom, na listi od 175 mesta, na kojoj su zemlje rangirane po slobodi medija, objavljenoj na sajtu Reportera bez granica, Srbija deli 62. poziciju sa Bocvanom, Liberijom, Malavijem, Tanzanijom i Togom. Mada, i ovde je postignut određen napredak u odnosu na prethodnu godinu.
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