Izaz 'some progress' često se koristi u najnovijem izveštaju Evropske komisije o napretku Srbije u procesu EU integracija. Iako se, kao i prošle godine, navodi da je progres nastavljen, rekla bih da je ocena ove godine nešto uzdržanije pozitivna. (Ali je bolja nego 2008. godine).
Između ostalog se kaže:
- Some progress can be reported on electronic communications and information technologies. Market competitiveness is still limited.
- There has been some progress on information society services. A law regulating e-commerce
and implementing legislation regarding the law on electronic documents have been adopted.
- As regards audiovisual policy, implementation of the law on public information and its amendments has continued, producing some positive effects such as greater responsibility for distribution companies, founders of media outlets and editors-in-chief as well as increased accountability for breaking the presumption of innocence and violating the rights of minors.
However, some provisions of the law include excessive fines for the violation of professional standards and for non-registration of media outlets.
- Preparations for a comprehensive media strategy are ongoing.
I zaključak:
Overall, preparations in the area of information society and media have continued. The
legislative framework has been strengthened, but implementation remains slow and
inadequate market and regulatory developments in the electronic communications sector are
of particular concern. Preparations in the field of information society services are moderately
advanced. In the audiovisual area, media legislation needs to be aligned with the acquis, and a
number of provisions of the law on public information continue to raise concerns.
Sve u svemu, ovim ritmom, jednog dana u budućnosti zakoni će postojati i poštovati se, strategije će biti dobro promišljene i prihvaćene, politika neće smetati biznisu, a biznis i politički interesi medijima i građanima, postojaće stimulativno okruženje, novinari će biti (dobro) plaćeni, i sve tako...Samo se ne zna kada će biti taj dan.
/EU Commission report about development of Serbian media, communications, information technologies/
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