Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Beppe Severgnini o Twitteru

Naravno da su se pisanjem o Twitteru bavili mnogi, ali Beppe Severgnini piše sažeto i interesantno, zatim slušala sam ga i uživo (na druge teme, zajedno sa Popkitchen), najzad, Italijan je, a oni ne preteruju bavljenjem Internetom, pa ni pisanjem o istom, te je to tako sve zajedno interesantno, bar meni.
Evo nekih teza iz njegovog jučerašnjeg teksta o tome kako je i zašto Twitter dnevna vežba mentalne higijene.

(Za prevod na engleski je zaslužan Google Translate, za doradu prevoda ja).

- Twitter is not the younger brother of Facebook. If anything, his cousin... It is more critical, less sympathetic, but sharper.

- Twitter is a daily exercise for mental hygiene, a toothbrush for the brain.

- ...Compliments and criticisms there are immediate, original and fresh.

- For the time being, Twitter is a place for intellectually honest. Hysterical, vicious and cowardly have not yet discovered it. And if they find it out, I suspect that it is not for them.

- Twitter is an instant survey, a temporary Judgement, a joy, a circus, an academic seminar, an outlet, a mood, a way to understand the spirit of the time.

- The risk is addiction, which leads some people to tell their own day in every detail, but since not everyone is Joyce, the effects are sometimes perplessing. A small risk for having a good fun. An oxymoron of the twenty-first century, free and brilliant.

Ja bih dodala i vrlo efikasno sredstvo informisanja. Posebno u kriznim situacijama, o temama koje vas posebno i stalno interesuju, ili o onima za koje je dovoljno da u nekom momentu znate najosnovnije (taman toliko da stane u 140 karaktera) - a da kasnije, po potrebi, znate gde da se vratite i istražite detaljnije.

Šta još?

Ah, da, i za podeliti user name/password za uređivanje sajtova državnih institucija.

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