O filmu i Ani, koja je poslužila i kao inspiracija za igrani film "Đavo nosi Pradu", ovih nedelja pisali su svi.
Meni je zanimljiv tekst Tine Brown, druge superzvezde britanskih i američkih medija - nekada časopisa, danas online magazina The Daily Beast. Ona piše:
Hand it to Vogue’s fêted dominatrix Anna Wintour. She took the lemons and made them into lemonade. Only three months ago, she was having to endure the nasty, rattling drip of negative press. Vogue’s ad pages were cratering. The collapse of the economy made her glossy, aloof brand look suddenly dated. (...) So she took a big, bold gamble. She allowed the documentary director R.J. Cutler’s movie cameras behind the closed doors of Vogue’s offices in Times Square. It was a gamble, because few subjects of documentaries and reality-TV shows ever like what comes out at the end. The subject loses control as soon as all that random footage is filtered and shaped in the cutting room from the director’s beady point of view. Wintour’s computation—which was shrewd—was that after living through (and pretending to love) Meryl Streep’s queen bitch parody of her in The Devil Wears Prada, she had nothing to lose.
Za uspeh je, definitivno, potrebna i hrabrost.
Nadam se da ovaj film stiže i u naše bioskope.
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