CD sa prvom sezonom Mad Men je dugo čekao. Takođe, čitanje mnoštva tekstova u stranim magazinima bilo je pointless bez prethodnog gledanja serije. Ali, došao je vikend da MedManMyself.

The fourth season of AMC’s “Mad Men” debuts Sunday, and the media is having a helluva time hyping its return.
Paste magazine, for example, has gone “completely overboard” in its coverage, presenting a full-on “Mad Men Takeover” of its website – replete with character mixtapes, an interview with an Ithaca, New York band called the Don Drapers and a how-to guide for stocking your home bar (“Drink Like a Mad Man: The Essentials for a Respectable Home Bar”).
Vulture does one better, offering a “Video Guide to Getting Drunk the Mad Men Way.”
PopSugar, meanwhile, has a video, “The Women’s Guide to Mad Men,” with some of the show’s best one-liners.
Salon weighs in on “Why ‘Mad Men’ is Bad for Women.”
New York magazine offers a helpful guide to parenting lessons culled from the series.
The New York Times pays a visit to Ossining, New York, the hometown of Betty and Don Draper.
Even President Obama is mad about “Men,” sending creator Matt Weiner a letter congratulating him on the show’s success.
The coolest “Mad Men”-related media thing I saw today – also from Paste – is the gallery of real, vintage advertisements from the Don Draper era.
Što se mene tiče, najjači utisak je ovaj: U pedeset godina (od 1960. do sada) muškarci se nisu tako mnogo promenili (osim što je manje cigareta i alkohola unaokolo tokom celog dana), ali tadašnje žene su, u nedostatku drugog izraza, aliens (iako neke izgledaju fenomenalno). Ženski pokret koji se u međuvremenu desio je zaista napravio čuda.
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