Twitter ovih dana puni pet godina i Jack ovih sati twittuje o istoriji ove društvene mreže.
Za ljubtelje (i) dužih formi, Vanity Fair je u aprilskom broju objavio opširnu priču o njemu. Ispostavlja se da je, kao i većina onih koji su smislili nešto novo, jako zanimljva persona_
Dorsey may belong to Gen X, but he is a throwback to a kind of heartland idealism we associate with earlier generations. His optimism flows mostly from a St. Louis-bred spirit about our common life, democracy, and human potential. He claims his inventions all aim at the same goal: a society that works more efficiently and humanely. “My role as an observer and as a technologist,” he says as he strides through a San Francisco rainstorm, holding a big blue umbrella, “is to show everything that’s happening in the world in real time and get us to that data immediately, so we can change our lives even faster, with better knowledge.” (Urban strolls are one of Dorsey’s favorite activities, and he has specifically asked to be interviewed while meandering around San Francisco and New York.)
Čitajući pomenuti tekst u VF, iz koga saznajete i da se Dorsey, uz programiranje, bavio botaničkim crtežima, masažom, modom, i da su mu gradovi i mape opsesija od detnjstva, te da je mesto gradonačelnika Njujorka njegova krajnja ambicija, pomišljate - logično - da bi neki režiser već mogao da se sprema za the Social Network 2.
Jack je kralj, nikad dosta
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