Monday, March 28, 2011

U Japanu se menjaju načini komuniciranja

Usled svih katastrofalnih događaja u Japanu tokom prethodnih nedelja, mnogi od savremenih sredstava komunikacija postali su nedostupni. Zbog toga su građani prinuđeni da se okrenu nekim alternativnim i starijim komunikacionim kanalima.

Evo nekoliko odlomaka iz teksta Njujork Tajmsa:

In a technology-crazed nation where many people were glued to cellphones and accustomed to the Internet’s nearly instantaneous access to information, being cut off has proved disorienting and frightening. Many local governments in the hardest-hit areas, desperate to reach residents with important emergency information, have reached into the past for more tried-and-true means of communication, including radios, newspapers and even human messengers.
Throughout the country, people have turned to low-tech alternatives in their sometimes frantic search for news of loved ones in quake-affected areas. They have posted notices on bulletin boards and recorded tearful pleas on television. Even in Tokyo, normally a high-tech showplace for the nation, residents have turned to improvisation.
In a disaster, radio has been the best way to get real-time information,” said Mr. Hashimoto, a 56-year-old magazine editor who said he had long dreamed of starting a radio station. “All you need is a hand-held receiver and batteries, or a car radio.”
Many shelters are also printing their own mini-newspapers. In his free time, Katsutoshi Maekawa, a city employee who works at the Sokei Elementary shelter, produces the Sokei Community Daily, a one-page newsletter that tells refugees here about events at the shelter and surrounding neighborhood.

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