Časopis Wired piše o tome kako postati slavan na internetu, na primeru Julie Allison. (O njoj sam pisala u martu, u postu o blogerima-tračevima-Gawkeru. Gawker se tada intenzivno, kritično-podsmešljivo, bavio baš Juliom).
Julia Allison je novinarka i urednica, ali to nije ono zbog čega je postala poznata.
Objašnjava novinar Wired magazina o čemu se ovde radi:
Allison is the latest, and perhaps purest, iteration of the Warholian ideal: someone who is famous for being famous. Like graffiti writers who turned their signatures into wild-style gallery pieces, she has made the process of self-promotion into its own freaky art form. Traditionally, it takes an army of publicists, a well-connected family, or a big-budget ad campaign to make this kind of splash. But Allison has done it on her own and on the cheap, armed only with an insatiable need for attention and a healthy helping of Web savvy.
Tekst je dug, pogodan za čitanje tokom letnjeg vikenda.
Julia Allison je novinarka i urednica, ali to nije ono zbog čega je postala poznata.
Objašnjava novinar Wired magazina o čemu se ovde radi:
Allison is the latest, and perhaps purest, iteration of the Warholian ideal: someone who is famous for being famous. Like graffiti writers who turned their signatures into wild-style gallery pieces, she has made the process of self-promotion into its own freaky art form. Traditionally, it takes an army of publicists, a well-connected family, or a big-budget ad campaign to make this kind of splash. But Allison has done it on her own and on the cheap, armed only with an insatiable need for attention and a healthy helping of Web savvy.
Tekst je dug, pogodan za čitanje tokom letnjeg vikenda.
A tu je i bonus: Alatka za zabavu (u okviru teksta) 'Vanity Validator - Find out how famous you are online'.
update: Vidim da i Marijana Mateus ima svoj sajt. Mislim da ove dve informacije izuzetno lepo idu zajedno u letnji petak popodne.
1 comment:
Majko bozija sajt Marijane Mateus, omiljeni momenat kako je udajom za Lotara ushla u javno mnjenje:)
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