Americka organizacija IREX od 2001. godine objavljuje svoj Media Sustainability Index (MSI) o stanju medija u bivšim komunističkim zemljama u Evropi i Aziji. Najnoviji MSI za 2007. godinu objavljen je nedavno.
Nalazi se u celini na IREX sajtu, a ja ću ovde preneti neke highlights:
- Medijski zakoni postoje, mnogi od njih su u skladu sa evropskim standardima. Njihova primena je, međutim, ograničena i selektivna.
- Profesionalni nivo medija je raznolik, viši u takozvanim ozbiljnim medijima, koji su malobrojniji, dok tabloidi i mnogi radio i televizijski programi pate od subjektivnog i neprofesionalnog načina izveštavanja.
- Specijalizacija je još uvek pre izuzetak nego pravilo.
Niche reporting is an ongoing problem with Serbian media. With globalization, technological development, and an ongoing transition, the life of Serbians is getting more and more complex as new issues enter the public agenda. Environmental protection, privatization, financial markets, and public health threats all require journalists with specific knowledge. Yet as the panelists noted, there are few such reporters, and the capacity of media to report is therefore limited. Additionally, panelists noted a lack of young journalists with knowledge in these issue areas and also noted how the media’s financial situation has meant that media are not dedicating resources to covering such topics in a consistent or in-depth manner.
- Plate su niske
Učesnici panela (prenosim direktno iz izveštaja, zato su funkcije na engleskom):
Svetlana Kojanović, director and editor-in-chief, Čačanski glas, Čačak
Nadežda Gaće, president, Independent Journalist Association of Serbia, Belgrade
Zlata Kureš, deputy general director, BETA News Agency, Belgrade
Lila Radonjić, CEO, Independent TV Production Group Mreža, Belgrade
Vesna Sladojević, deputy editor-in-chief, Radio Television Serbia, Belgrade
Suzana Jovanić, media specialist, Open Society Fund, Belgrade
Voja Žanetić, marketing specialist, MOSAIK Marketing Agency, Belgrade
Slobodan Kremenjak, lawyer, Živković & Samardžić Law Firm, Belgrade
Dragoljub Žarković, editor-in-chief, Vreme weekly, Belgrade
Darko Broćić, director, AGB Nielsen, Belgrade
Goran Vladković, editor-in-chief, O.K. radio, Vranje
ms Jelena Leskovac, local representative, PressNow, Belgrade
Dinko Gruhonjić, president, Independent Journalist Association of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Moderator: Dragan Kremer, project manager and consultant, Mediahilfe, Belgrade
Author: Goran Cetinić, independent consultant, Belgrade
Niche reporting is an ongoing problem with Serbian media. With globalization, technological development, and an ongoing transition, the life of Serbians is getting more and more complex as new issues enter the public agenda. Environmental protection, privatization, financial markets, and public health threats all require journalists with specific knowledge. Yet as the panelists noted, there are few such reporters, and the capacity of media to report is therefore limited. Additionally, panelists noted a lack of young journalists with knowledge in these issue areas and also noted how the media’s financial situation has meant that media are not dedicating resources to covering such topics in a consistent or in-depth manner.
- Plate su niske
- Ključni događaji su dobro pokriveni
- Ocenjeno je da oko polovine informacija u medijima dolazi iz PR službi - U političkih ili ekonomskoj sferi.
- Vlasništvo nad medijima je netransparentno, te stoga problematično. Ovaj zaključak donet je, delom, i na osnovu toga što s vremena na vreme više medija istovremeno pokreće napade na neku stranku ili političara, iako formalni vlasnici tih medija nisu isti.
Ima toga, naravno, još, ali ove zaključke smatram najbitnijim.
Učesnici panela (prenosim direktno iz izveštaja, zato su funkcije na engleskom):
Svetlana Kojanović, director and editor-in-chief, Čačanski glas, Čačak
Nadežda Gaće, president, Independent Journalist Association of Serbia, Belgrade
Zlata Kureš, deputy general director, BETA News Agency, Belgrade
Lila Radonjić, CEO, Independent TV Production Group Mreža, Belgrade
Vesna Sladojević, deputy editor-in-chief, Radio Television Serbia, Belgrade
Suzana Jovanić, media specialist, Open Society Fund, Belgrade
Voja Žanetić, marketing specialist, MOSAIK Marketing Agency, Belgrade
Slobodan Kremenjak, lawyer, Živković & Samardžić Law Firm, Belgrade
Dragoljub Žarković, editor-in-chief, Vreme weekly, Belgrade
Darko Broćić, director, AGB Nielsen, Belgrade
Goran Vladković, editor-in-chief, O.K. radio, Vranje
ms Jelena Leskovac, local representative, PressNow, Belgrade
Dinko Gruhonjić, president, Independent Journalist Association of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Moderator: Dragan Kremer, project manager and consultant, Mediahilfe, Belgrade
Author: Goran Cetinić, independent consultant, Belgrade
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