Za manje od nedelju dana (9. maja) bice pet godina od pokretanja Huffington Posta, jednog od najpopularnijih blog portala i sajtova uopste na svetu.
Ariana Hafington (Arianna Huffington) u knjizi On Becoming Fearless...In love, work, and life, koju upravo citam, pise o tome kako se zaljubila u blogovanje, kako je portal docekan i sta je iz svega naucila:
One year later, on May 9, 2005, we launched the Huffington Post. The Internet is supposed to be a young person's game, and, as expected, the launch was greeted by a cacophony of ill wishers. Nikki Finke, writing in the LA Weekly, went so far as to declare us dead on arrival. within hours of our birth, she wrote, under the headline 'Why Arianna's Blog Blows', that "the Madonna of the mediapolitic world has undergone one reinvention too many. She has now made an online ass of herself... This website venture is the sort of failure that is simply unsurvivable. (...)" Ouch. A simple 'congrats' would have sufficed. (Interestingly, one year later, on our first anniversary, Nikki Finke described the Huffington Post as "an asset to the Internet dialogue. Today I can go on the site and see stories in one place that I can't find on mainstream news sites. And she e-mails us her stories to post on the site, which we are happy to do).
Zakljucujuci poglavlje o tome kako je tokom godina naucila da ignorise krityicare i svoje strahove pise:
Of course, I had plenty of fears as I took my leap into the unknown, but I knew they were mostly just feeble echoes of earlier fears. I'd learned not to be afraid of my critics and would certainly never let them stop me.
Danas je Svetski dan slobode stampe. Sloboda svakako znaci i licnu slobodu.
Za Th!nk3 takođe sam napisala blog post o ovoj knjizi, Ariani i HffPo, ali sa drugačijim fokusom. Tekst je ovde.
1 comment:
Hvala za link prema Huffington Postu
čuo sam za njega jos pre vise godina al nikako da ga posetim(do sada naravno)
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