Da li ste znali da o medijima zajednice postoji igrani film?
Film se zove Uma Onda No Ar (Something in the Air). Njegova tema je brazilska community radio stanica - Radio Favela.
Siže filma u najkracem:
"Based on the true story of four friends who decide to install a communal pirate radio station called Rádio Favela in a shanty-town, to give voice to the outcasts' complaints."
Malo duže objašnjenje (iz knjige: Understanding Alternative Media):
The film offers a romanticized and celebrative narration of the authentic history of Rádio Favela, which broadcast in the slums of Belo Horizonte from 1980. The rather stereotypical filmic representation provides an exceptional insight into the core identity of alternative media, but at the same time it allows the complexities of this core identity to show through.
In Radio Favela, the radio station is clearly embedded in the community of the favela, it is portrayed as a civil society alternative to the state-controlled mainstream, and it is shown to be part of a societal (rhizomatic) network.
In the filmic narration of Rádio Favela’s history we see how the mainstream political system becomes fearful of the radio station... and eventually grants it legal status as educational radio (in February 2000...)
Na drugim mestima slične radio stanica takođe postoje, neke uspešno rade i nagažuju zajednice na raznim društveno korisnim projektima (muzičkim i drugim). Evo jednog teksta iz Independenta na tu temu.
I malo muzike AfroReggaeDigital:
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