Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mediji i muzika, ili: Kako biti zvezda

Tekst u Columbia Journalism Review govori o tome šta bi novinari mogli naučiti od muzičara da bi popravili svoju ličnu poslovnu poziciju. (Vremena su vrlo krizna za obe profesije, ali fleksibilni i kreativni se snalaze). Tekst se završava duhovito-cinično:

Journalists have been taught to erase the individual—remember the Unbiased Media ideal that was hammered into us as young journalists? (We are also unlikely to go on “reunion tours” during which we discuss our long-forgotten “hit” features.)


Yet some journalists certainly know how to promote their names and personae, and their bylines appear to have multiplied. Images of their faces bob seductively beside their names. In the Too Much Information Age, journalists’ biographies—once not supposed to intrude on the story—have moved toward the center of it. And for better or worse, all of us in all the culture industries not only have to go back to the premodern storytelling mode, but also learn how to give our work away without getting ripped off and how to have fervid e-mail relationships with our audiences. We must also at least pretend we have interesting personalities and act like we are a little larger than life. 

Ima i kod nas onih koji su naučili kako da sebe promovišu po modelu muzičkih zvezda, da li družeći se sa njima ili urođenim talentom, ne znam, i da im se tekst oduvek obavezno pojavljuje zajedno sa sličicom, evo na primer pogledajte listu najmoćnijih u medijima, mesto broj 49

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Metodologija fact-checking sajtova

Jedan tekst od pre pet godina, i dalje može biti koristan, mada su se stvari svakako izmenile u međuvremenu.  FACT-CHECKING SAJTOVI -...