Njujork Tajms u današnjem, prazničnom (online) izdanju piše o odnosu novinarskog izveštavanja i vesti. Teorija je da se za praznike ništa posebno ne dešava i da mediji tada plasiraju takozvane 'sporovozne' teme, kako se to kaže u domaćim novinskim krugovima. No, nije uvek tako:
There is a theory of journalism that holds that Christmas Day is relatively news-free, a day spent peacefully at home opening presents, entertaining Grandma, watching “Klute” on DVD or simply mulling over what to order — the shrimp or the chicken lo mein — at the Empire Grand later that night. Like many theories, it happens to be wrong. The fact is that, historically speaking and despite its reputation, Christmas in New York and its environs has been fairly — even disproportionately — busy, news-wise, over the years.
Onima koji danas slave, Srećan Božić, a svima, što više dobrih vesti.
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