Harvard campus ovog septembra, slikan tokom male
američke ture po Istočnoj obali. Mesto gde je pre šest godina nastao Facebook.

The Social Network (Društvena mreža) - koji govori o nastanku Facebooka i njegovom osnivaču Marku Zuckebergu (pisala sam i o
ostatku porodice)- stiže uskoro i kod nas, prvo na Cinemaniu (iskustvo sa blagajne: karte će po svoj prilici biti rasprodate vrlo brzo).
Časopis The New Yorker objavio je u septembru
opširan intervju sa Markom, koji inače nije sklon medijskom eksponiranju.
Evo nekoliko ilustracija tog teksta:
Zuckerberg’s business model depends on our shifting notions of privacy, revelation, and sheer self-display. The more that people are willing to put online, the more money his site can make from advertisers. Happily for him, and the prospects of his eventual fortune, his business interests align perfectly with his personal philosophy. In the bio section of his page, Zuckerberg writes simply, “I’m trying to make the world a more open place.”
In the October issue of Vanity Fair, Zuckerberg is named No. 1 in the magazine’s power ranking of the New Establishment, just ahead of Steve Jobs, the leadership of Google, and Rupert Murdoch. The magazine declared him “our new Caesar.”
He [Aaron Sorokin, scenarista filma]called the film “The Social Network” ironically. Referring to Facebook’s creators, Sorkin said, “It’s a group of, in one way or another, socially dysfunctional people who created the world’s great social-networking site.”
Bilo kako bilo, i Mark Zuckerberg je na Facebooku, i ima 879 prijatelja, ali njihov identitet nije vidljiv svakome.
Film je dobio dobre kritike. Jedva čekam da ga pogledam.
A za one koji žele da znaju baš sve/skoro sve o funkcionisanju Facebooka u praksi (šta donosi popularnost i vidljivost, a šta ne), The Daily Beast otkriva
10 tajni.